Friday, March 24, 2017

Blizzard! by Jim Murphy


Murphy, Jim. Blizzard!. New York: Scholastic Inc, 2000.


The book is about a terrible storm that hit north western America and lasted from March 10, 1888 to March 14, 1888. It is estimated that more than one thousand people died in the storm.


Murphy tells a chilling tale of the storm that changed America. The author's representation of the history is somber during the tales of death and destruction. The images that are used in the book are pulled directly from the newspapers and articles of the time period. Each picture is accompanied with a sidebar detailing the significance of the illustration or photograph. Readers will trek the journey as they discovers the triumphs and failures of the citizens in and around New York City. Sadly, many people were lost due to the fear of unemployment or a feeling of obligation. Murphy pulls his information from a variety of primary sources like biographies, diaries, and letters to keep an honest history. He is able to directly quote survivors of the time. To those who sadly passed in the storm, Murphy takes a little artistic license to give a voice to those who did have a chance to share their pain. These instances keep young readers interested in the narrative as well as acknowledge their passing.


Robert F. Sibert Award Honor Book

ALA Notable Children's Book

ALA Best Book for Young Adults

From Publisher's Weekly: "With a confident and sometimes matter-of-fact tone, Murphy describes how all citizens from all walks of life in Manhattan, New Jersey and Connecticut were impacted by the devastating cold and snow. Accounts of survivors and victims provide a captivating blend of gravity, immediacy and drama. Murphy's well-rounded information about the various circumstances that worsened the effects of the storm make the tale both more fascinating and more tragic."

From Children's Literature:  "Murphy provides the personal touch with his accounts of individuals; some survived the storm and others did not. His clear and even-handed approach to describing the details makes this a page-turner. He never sensationalizes."


Other Books by Jim Murphy:
The Great Fire   ISBN: 9780312423582
The Boys' War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk about the Civil War   ISBN: 9780590456043
The Long Road to Gettysburg  ISBN: 9780395559659
Across America on an Emigrant Train    ISBN: 9780395764831
A Young Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced by One Boy   ISBN: 9780395605233

Lesson Plans:
Scholastic, who is also the publisher, offers a great lesson that correlates with the book. It is for middle school students. Find it here: Blizzard! Lesson Plan

Scholastic offers a great lesson plan for young elementary students to help introduce nonfiction or information books. Check it out: 5-Day Unit Plan for Introducing Nonfiction

Hitler Youth by Susan Campbell Bartoletti


Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2005.


The book is about the young boys and girls who devoted their lives to the Hitler Youth organization. It is important to realize that the book is not about Hitler, but about the young generation that served him.


The image on the cover of the book of a young boy in uniform being held by a half seen Hitler says it all: This book is not about Hitler. If the image was not a clear indication, the introduction to the book is. The author wants you to understand that although Hitler is mentioned in the book, he is in no way the main subject. The book begins with a pictorial introduction to all of the youths that are highlighted in the book. Bartoletti bombards the readers with information with each paragraph, like the battle of Normandy. This onslaught of history is honest and sometimes brutal. Bartoletti paints such a vivid picture of the lives of the young ones who were brainwashed by their government. She does not sugar coat history for young children, but she also does not over indulge in the monstrosities of war either. She delicately explains the torture and destruction in a way for a child to understand without being horrified of the gore. The readers will find themselves engrossed with the lives of the children who find themselves in a dangerous world without freedom. There is not a page turn without a historical image with a curious sidebar to accompany it. Bartoletti expertly spans across two generations and a war. Readers will find themselves deeply moved by the book. The book concludes with many useful references. The epilogue gives a detailed history of all the survivors of the story. A timeline is given on one page, starting in the year 1926 and ending in 1945. The book completes with multiple pages of references chronicling photographs, quote sources (AMAZING!), and her bibliography.


2006 John Newberry Medal Winner

2006 Sibert Medal Nominee

From Publisher's Weekly: "Bartoletti offers a unique and riveting perspective on WWII by focusing on the young people who followed Hitler from 1933-1945….Bartoletti's portrait of individuals within the Hitler Youth who failed to realize that they served “a mass murderer” is convincing, and while it does not excuse the atrocities, it certainly will allow readers to comprehend the circumstances that led to the formation of Hitler's youngest zealots."

From Booklist: The handsome book design, with stirring black-and-white historical photos on every double-page spread, will bring in readers and help spark deep discussion..."

From School Library Journal: "Hitler's plans for the future of Germany relied significantly on its young people, and this excellent history shows how he attempted to carry out his mission with the establishment of the Hitler Youth....Bartoletti lets many of the subjects' words, emotions, and deeds speak for themselves, bringing them together clearly to tell this story unlike anyone else has."

From Kirkus Reviews: "Case studies of actual participants root the work in specifics, and clear prose, thorough documentation and an attractive format with well-chosen archival photographs make this nonfiction writing at its best….Superb."

From Horn Book: "With clarity and apt quotation (scrupulously sourced), Bartoletti takes readers from the prewar beginnings of Hitler Youth, through its significant role in gaining Hitler the government, to its ultimate position as a feeder for the German war machine….The power of the account is matched by the many period candid and propaganda photographs, well-married to the text by strong captions and placement and an unobtrusive but period-evocative Art Deco page design."


Other Books by Susan Campbell Bartoletti:
They Called Themselves the KKK: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group   ISBN: 9780544225824
Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1850    ISBN: 9780618002719
Kids on Strike!    ISBN: 9780618369232
Growing Up in Coal Country    ISBN: 9780395979143

Lesson Plans:
This lesson is more geared for older readers, but it seems like a very fun and visual lesson. See it here: Exploring Nazi Propaganda and the Hitler Youth Movement

The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming


Fleming, Candice. The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia. New York: Schwartz and Wade Books, 2014.


The book centers on Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, his family, and the revolt that lead to their demise in the beginning of the twentieth century. The family included Empress Alexandra, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Marie, and Anastasia, and the only son, Tsarevich Alexei. Candace Fleming expertly brings us into the world of the royal family and the turmoil of the Russian people during the tragic fall of Imperial Russia.


If your only experience with the Romanov family is from the movie Anastasia, Fleming's accurate portrayal of the demise of the royal family will prove that the movie was merely fiction compared to what really happened to the young Empress. Fleming's intense research into the history of Russia expands from early life of Tsar Nicholas II in 1864 to the end of World War II. To simply say that the book is only about the family would be a lie. Fleming has an amazing talent in keeping the reader interested in the historical tale by changing the narrative every few pages. The Russian people have a strong voice in the book as Fleming highlights the stories of peasants, workers, guards, nobleman, diplomats, and holy men. The tales of hardship for the Russian people strongly contrast with the families stories of playing in the garden. As time progresses, the reader is able to understand how the pieces fell into place in the puzzle of the tragic deaths of the Romanov family. Fleming uses the diary entries of everyone in the book to give an accurate voice and to help paint a picture that spans across all view points. The front cover especially shows the differences between royals and peasants, as one is jewels and the other in dirty rags. The pictures in the middle of the book entices young readers to find the truth as well as aid in remembering that the book is not a work of fiction by showing real people. The pictures in the back of the book show what happens after the textual history was completed. The end leaves you immediately wanting to research what has happened from the books release in 2014 until now.


2015 Golden Kite Winner for Nonfiction

Andrea Beach from Common Sense Media: "This is an engaging, often-riveting, detailed look into the lives of the last royal family of Russia as well as the social and political upheaval in the empire at the turn of the 20th century."

From Goodreads: "Using captivating photos and compelling first person accounts, award-winning author Candace Fleming deftly maneuvers between the imperial family’s extravagant lives and the plight of Russia's poor masses, making this an utterly mesmerizing read as well as a perfect resource for meeting Common Core standards."

Abby McGanney Nolan from The Washington Post: "Elements of an overheated dystopian thriller — political repression, malevolent figures, a protracted war, endangered children — but no prospect of a triumphal ending."


Other Books by Candace Fleming:

Young adult books
The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and Mary  ISBN: 9780375836183
On the Day I Died: Stories from the Grave    ISBN: 9780375867811

Middle Grade
Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart   ISBN: 9780375945984
The Great and Only Barnum: The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P.T. Barnum   ISBN: 9780375841972
The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary School   ISBN: 9780440422297
The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary School   ISBN: 9780375871870

Young Readers
Oh, No!   ISBN: 9780375842719
Clever Jack Takes the Cake   ISBN: 9780375849794
Imogene's Last Stand   ISBN: 9780385386548

Lesson Plans:
Discovery School, created by the Discovery Channel, has an in depth lesson plan about the Romanovs for high school students. It can be modified for younger grades, as well. Check it out here: The Russian Revolution: The Fate of the Romanovs

Joanne Aboud, Loredana Di Marco, Katie Loncar and Raymond Zeaiter are a group of third year BT/BA students at ACU Strathfield. They created an intricate lesson that includes worksheets, note templates, and a powerpoint. Find it here: The Rise and Decline of the Romanovs

The site, The Romanov Curse, offers a week long lesson plan. I am very jealous of her site layout. See it here: Cursed?

Friday, March 3, 2017

Dark Emperor by Joyce Sidman


Sidman, Joyce, and Rick Allen. Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night. New York: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, 2010.


The twelve poems are about different nocturnal animals. Each poem has large illustrations and factual information to accompany the featured subject.


The lyrical poems are long rhyming couplets that create a sing song sound when reading the poems aloud. The words are made to be read aloud and enjoyed with the detailed illustrations. The artwork is dark with intricate line work. There are bold words found throughout the work. The definitions can be found in the glossary in the back of the book. The vocabulary allows that the book to pair well with cross curriculum lesson plans. The information about the nocturnal animals gives the reader's a greater understanding of the subject of the poems. The art work aids in the imagination of the words of the poems. I enjoyed how the illustrations were dark to show the night while containing curiously muted reds, oranges, and brown to show the life that can be found when the rest of the world is sleeping.


2011 Newbery Honor from the American Library Association

Lee Bennett Hopkins Poetry Award Honor Book

Horn Book Award Honor Book

From Common Sense Media: "Allen's striking linoleum cut prints work perfectly with the text as they somehow manage to be both scientific and magical."

From Publisher's Weekly: "In Sidman's delicious poems, darkness is the norm, and there's nothing to fear but the rising sun."


Other Books by Joyce Sidman:
Eureka!: Poems about Inventors. Illustrator K. Bennett Chavez. ISBN 9780761316657
The World According to Dog: Poems and Teen Voices. Illustrator Doug Mindel. ISBN 9780618174973
Song of the Water Boatman: Pond Poems. Illustrator Beckie Prange. ISBN 9780618135479
Meow Ruff: A Story in Concrete Poetry. Illustrator Michelle Berg. ISBN 9780618448944
Red Sings From Treetops: A Year in Colors. Illustrator Pamela Zagarensky. ISBN 9780547014944
Swirl by Swirl: Spirals in Nature. Illustrator Beth Krommes. ISBN 9780547315836

Lesson Plans:
Joyce Sidman offers resources for her books on her website. This PDF is a reader's guide that contains guiding questions, read aloud activities, writing prompts, and science activities. Find it here: Reader's Guide

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Echo Echo by Marilyn Singer


Singer, Marilyn, and Josee Masse. Echo Echo. New York: Penguin Young Readers Group, 2016. ISB 978-0-8037-3992-5


The poetry contains the stories of different Greek myths like Perseus and Medusa, Pandora's Box, Pygmalion, King Midus, Icarus and Daedalus, Echo and Narcissus, and the Demeter and Persephone.
Each poem has each side of the story with two different point of view.


The fascinating thing about the "reverso" poems is how the poems alter when you change the orientation. The words are flipped on the opposite page. Where one poem ends, the exact same line is how the poem on the next page begins. There are are a few words that rhyme, but overall it is free verse. The Greek mythology is a subject that helps capture the imagination of children and adults alike. The colorful illustrations also have dual sides to them. Masse uses different colors to show to opposing sides of the same myth. The poems read like music when you read them aloud. It is impressive how the emotions can be so different when the words are the exact same. Singer is able to capture so much in the short poems. The symmetric compositions are very intricate and heart warming.


From Kirkus Review: "A visual and interpretive feast bringing timeless tales to a young audience."

Maria Russo from The New York Times: "Marilyn Singer's ingenious "reverso" poems are child-friendly feats of verbal pyrotechnics."

From School Library Journal: "A witty, seductive pairing of poetic imagination and artistic vision."

From Publisher's Weekly: "Another inventive exploration of stories readers thought they knew."

From Booklist: "A wonderful addition to poetry collections and accompaniment for the myths."

From The Boston Globe: " The perfect supplement of introduction to Pandora, King Midas, Icarus, and the rest of the bunch of fantastically flawed gods, monsters, mortals... easy and rewarding to read."

From The Wall Street Journal: "Delightful...vivid, glowing."


Other Books by Marilyn Singer:
Feel the Beat IBN 9780803740211
Follow Follow IBN 090803737696
Mirror Mirror IBN 978-0-525-47901-7

Other Books Illustrated by Josee Masse:
The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book for Younger Girls by Valorie Schaefer IBN 9781451788846
Motherbridge of Love by Xinran IBN 9781846860478

Lesson Plans:
This is a PDF file from Penguin Classroom that contains a two week lesson over the three reverso poems by Marilyn Singer and Josee Masse. See it here: An Educator's Guide to Marilyn Singer's Reverso Poetry

With the book, use 'accountable talk' to echo ideas, ask questions, agree, disagree, and add-on respectfully. Check it out: Lesson Plan

What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones


Sones, Sonya. What My Mother Doesn't Know. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2001. ISB 0-689-841140-0

The free verse novel revolves around a teenage girl named Sophie as she makes discoveries in love and life while in her first year of high school.

The free verse poetry of the book are usually short and do not rhyme. Most of the poems are about a page long, but there are a few that are more than one page. The book reads very quickly. I was unable to put it down once I started. Each poem is unique in itself, but still connects over a long narrative. Although most poetry needs to be read aloud to appreciate, Sones' poems are beautiful in the silence of a quiet read. The poems sound like a teenager is speaking. I felt like the pages opened to a time machine to my younger years. It was as if I wrote the poetry myself. I felt a deep connection to this book. The poems are filled with figurative language like "I'm dancing with a bunch of girls, bouncing like kernels of popcorn in a hot frying pan" (p.132).  Sonya Sones has embodied the feeling of being high school. You can imagine the lunchroom where she sees her crush for the first time. Your heart will break with Sophie's as she works her way through new relationships. The scenes made me remember what I felt when I was the same age. The emotional impact cannot be measured.


From Publisher's Weekly: "With its separate free verse poems woven into a fluid and coherent narrative with a satisfying ending, Sophie's honest and earthy story feels destined to captivate a young female audience, avid and reluctant readers alike."

From Kirkus Reviews:  "Romantic and sexy, with a happy ending that leaves Sophie together with Mr. Right, Sones has crafted a verse experience that will leave teenage readers sighing with recognition and satisfaction."

Kate Torpie from Teen Reads: "Sones really captures the nervousness of dating a guy, the way friends can get jealous, the sorrow at realizing that you just don't like him anymore, and finding the strength to love what makes your heart happy. We should all be so brave."


Other Books by Sonya Sones:
Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy IBN 978-0-06-028387-2
One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies IBN  1-4169-0788-2
What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know IBN 0-689-87603-3
To Be Perfectly Honest IBN 9780689876059
Saving Red IBN  9780062370280

Lesson Plans:
Alyssa Lumbra has a blog post dedicated to advice on how to teach this novel. Check it out: Don't Teach, Inspire!

Book Rags offers a web page for teachers to assist in teaching the free verse novel to older students. Check it out: Summary and Study Guides